Micromechanics of Metal Ceramic Composites

2 March — 5 March 2015, IMWF-University of Stuttgart


The conference will take place at the seminar rooms at the Commundo Tagungshotel Stuttgart , which is located in the University of Stuttgart (Campus Vaihingen).

Commundo Tagungshotels

Tagungshotel Stuttgart
Universitätsstraße 34
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0 800 8330 330
Telefax: 0 800 8330 331

Hotel Location (Google Maps)


Instructions to arrive to the event: Plane/Train/Car [Download]

By public transport you can reach the University campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen by a local train ( S-Bahn, station "Universität") or bus (station "Universität"). You can get timetables from the journey planner of the local public transport company (VVS):

VVS Journey Planner

Detailed instructions how to reach the university campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen from the airport and the main station will be provided shortly.