The conference will take place at the seminar rooms at the Commundo Tagungshotel Stuttgart, which is located in the University of Stuttgart (Campus Vaihingen).

Commundo Tagungshotels

Tagungshotel Stuttgart
Universitätsstraße 34
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0 800 8330 330
Telefax: 0 800 8330 331

Hotel Location (Google Maps)


Instructions to arrive to the event: Plane/Train/Car [Download]

By public transport you can reach the University campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen by a local train ( S-Bahn, station "Universität") or bus (station "Universität"). You can get timetables from the journey planner of the local public transport company (VVS):

VVS Journey Planner

Detailed instructions how to reach the university campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen from the airport and the main station will be provided shortly.